
Anniversaries and Events

Foundation Day and Events

Holding company events and celebrating anniversaries are intrinsic factors of our corporate heritage. It symbolizes embracing our spirit, extending hospitality and bringing colleagues together for a wonderful shared experience so they look forward to the next event.

Foundation Day

Foundation day, or anniversary celebration, is when we celebrate the establishment of our company: 04 May 2001. Each year we design and deliver an experiential event that varies in its importance depending on the year that is being celebrated. In 2016 it was a true milestone – our 15th anniversary – and we dedicated a monumental party to our business. It was held at the Museum of Automotive in Torino and welcomed guests from SEWS-CABIND MAROC, SEWS-CABIND POLAND and other countries. We even produced a 15-anniversary movie to mark the occasion, held a morning conference, award ceremonies and wound up with a superb buffet lunch.

Family Day

In our advancing, modern world, where the work-life balance sometimes gets to burnout, we create inspiring shareable events for our employees and their families. Our aim is to have a great time on a wide range of activities that can include corporate wellness days, environment friendly initiatives, non-competitive sports and of course tours inside the company. Family days mark our commitment to appreciating the contribution that our employees give to our company’s continual success.

Training Events

Company events can also include specific training. These initiatives are tailor designed by our HR dept. and international experts in order to meet our specific staff development system’s requirements and the intercultural makeup of attendees. The aim is to have employees recognize how the challenges and topics of the activities can relate and be implemented at the workplace and for their career development.


Honoring our Japanese traditions, each time a director returns to Japan after a period of work in SEWS-CABIND we organize a farewell ceremony.

Each year all employees are the guests of the company at our Christmas lunch celebration.